Rainshadow has a new website!

Check it out!  www.rainshadoworganics.com. We are very excited to offer a better sign up experience for CSA shares and Event tickets, no darn pop-ups.

Thank goodness for winter to be able to work on big online overhauls.  I’m pretty darn good at raising food, but the googlverse is uncharted territory for me.  I hope you like the new site and experience.  I am curious if anyone has any feedback on the look and function.

I reckon the whole point is to make it easier for you to buy the food that we grow for Central Oregon.  I’ve been demonizing convenience for years.  I think it makes people soft, mentally and physically.  Don’t worry, the food still requires and inspires people to show up.  Show up with a commitment to a farm.  Show up to get the goods.  Show up in the kitchen to prepare it.  Show up at the table to eat it.

My sweetheart told me today that we didn’t reach our goal as humans, to keep the overall average global temp from rising beyond 1.5 degrees celsius.  I walked outside and heard a red-winged blackbird.  We revisited Wendell Berry on Climate Change: To Save the Future, Live in the Present.   The notion that “maybe we could give up saving the world and start to live savingly in it,” really resonated.

I believe Rainshadow offers the most basic first step to this idea.  The food we eat is one of our biggest environmental impacts.  Let’s do better.  Get a large vegetable share, here or some other farm, so you can get the plant diversity you need for your health.  Eat plants that contributed to a thriving soil community that works every day to sequester the carbon that we produce.  Eat animals that are a part of a sustainable organic system, which feed the vegetables and grains that share the land.  At Rainshadow, we cultivate diversity and connectivity and welcome you to be a part of it.

Def time to sign up for your Summer CSA

Seeds have arrived!  Crop plan has been edited!  Farmers are on their way to make it happen!  Compost is the best we’ve ever made!

More info and Buy Now!

There is still space in our Winter CSA

We firmly believe in the power of local food year-round. Join our Winter CSA and extend your commitment to yourself and Central Oregon by eating from Rainshadow all year!

  • Late starts are pro-rated
  • 1st Thursday of the month, November through May.
  • Bend and Sisters deliveries as well as on-farm pick up.
  • Meat and Vegetable CSAs still available.

More information about the Winter CSA and to sign up HERE or by clicking on the button below.

Winter CSA Info & Sign up

February Valentine’s Day Dinner

Valentine’s Day Dinner – Join us on February 14th as Chef Vanna works her culinary magic, turning Rainshadow’s certified organic veggies and our responsibly raised meats into a feast that celebrates the beauty and bounty of our Central Oregon farm.

Bring your honey, your best friends, your ma and bask in the simple joy of eating together.

Thank you for being here! We’re grateful for your dedication to seasonal, beautiful food and the joy of culinary exploration—so let’s eat!

If you’re interested in exploring more offerings from the farm, please click the “Update Your Preferences” button below.