Fall/Winter CSA Shares Available!

A reminder that every day is an opportunity for gathering knowledge. Adult learning involves identifying and researching solutions to problems that arise all the time. Trying and our sharing the experience (successful or not) is invaluable to maintaining progress individually and [...]

2016-09-05T01:49:30-08:00September 5, 2016|CSA, Rogue Farm Corps, The Farm|Comments Off on Fall/Winter CSA Shares Available!

Preserving Taste

As summer progresses and occasionally overwhelms us with endless yields, we're challenged to retain those flavors reminiscent of sultry happiness to savor later. Pickling is a fantastic option to preserve crisp cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, beans, beets...the list goes on. Plus you can [...]

2016-08-28T00:14:04-08:00August 28, 2016|CSA, From the Kitchen, The Farm|Comments Off on Preserving Taste

What’s Cooking?

Nothing is more rewarding than sharing the joy of good food grown well. Peppers and tomatoes ripen while waves of cucumber, squash, corn and lettuce continue to take off. Flowers and an adjacent hum of pollinators soothe the ears while sun rays [...]

2016-08-22T00:49:50-08:00August 22, 2016|From the Kitchen, Rogue Farm Corps, The Farm, Uncategorized|Comments Off on What’s Cooking?
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