Preserving Taste

As summer progresses and occasionally overwhelms us with endless yields, we're challenged to retain those flavors reminiscent of sultry happiness to savor later. Pickling is a fantastic option to preserve crisp cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, beans, beets...the list goes on. Plus you can [...]

2016-08-28T00:14:04-08:00August 28, 2016|CSA, From the Kitchen, The Farm|Comments Off on Preserving Taste

Notes from the Harvest Stand

A brisk evening summons memories of fall while the skies tell tales of summer burns. We took care to protect all the delicate hots and to ventilate accordingly once temperatures shot up shortly after sunrise. Meanwhile our land thrives despite [...]

2016-08-23T23:46:19-08:00August 23, 2016|CSA, Rogue Farm Corps, The Farm|Comments Off on Notes from the Harvest Stand

Rogue Farm Corps

On any given day there's visible growth at Rainshadow and its one reason the land lends itself to learning on many levels. Past years have brought on expansive increases in annual/perennial growing area as well as an array of diverse [...]

2016-07-10T15:42:01-08:00July 10, 2016|Rogue Farm Corps, The Farm|Comments Off on Rogue Farm Corps
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