Customer Appreciation Day Saturday, October 20th 11am-3pm

2018-10-12T00:20:23-08:00Featured, The Farm|

Join us on Saturday, October 20th from 11am-3pm for our annual fall celebration and Customer Appreciation Day. Activities include: -Gleaning from our big field (bring your own shovel and bins/bags for pumpkins and other veggies) -Farm tours at 12pm and 2pm -Stocking your pantry for winter at the Farm Store - including discounted boxes of



Rainshadow will be hosting a few intimate dinners in their Farm Store this winter. The first will be a solstice dinner featuring beef bourguignon, parsnip puree, tender winter greens, pumpkin cake, and more. The second will be in Valentine's Day dinner on February 14th featuring pork Wellington, exclusive Rainshadow fingerling potatoes, hearty winter greens ,

Come get your Thanksgiving Dinner ingredients at Rainshadow on Wednesday!!

2017-11-21T15:53:15-08:00Featured, The Farm|

Thanksgiving is just around the corner! Our favorite time of year! We love the celebration of community and bounty. We still have a few turkeys available for purchase that we will deliver to bend fresh next Tuesday. Our farm store will also be open next Wednesday from 10 to 4. You can pick up


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