Roasted Kabocha Quiche


Roasted Kabocha Quiche Taste. Taste. Taste again. Recipes aren’t super important to follow astringently (unless you’re baking!), but are more of a nice inspirational guideline that allows you to sample and test as the flavors and textures change throughout the cooking process. So, um, yeah, sign me up for recipe-liberated cooking! The point

Classic American Stew


Classic American Stew Classic American Stew. I spent the winters of my childhood going to deer camp with my parents. It was quite the two week to-do. We had an old canvas military tent that sort of resembled a yurt, complete with a wood stove inside. Something always bubbling in a cast iron

Jamaican Curry Chicken


Jamaican Curry Chicken Snow is in the forecast all week. The air is crisp, with a sparkly white blanket of the fluffy stuff outside as I type. Many feel warm this time of year with all holidays, hot toddies, and fuzzy slippers, but I prefer the warmth of the tropics.

West Coast Pozole


West Coast Pozole I don’t care if it is 95 degrees out, I love pozole. I will sit in the heat and sweat it out with hot, spicy, unctuous pork broth, topped with crisp cold vegetables and herbs. I get respect when I’m in Mexico because I’ll order any rendition with

Sourdough Savoury Scones


Sourdough Savoury Scones Customer Appreciation Day: Saturday, 10/24 I am pretty sure that scones are the king of confections… or, maybe biscuits… or all you Central Oregonians might say the Ocean Roll from Sparrow Bakery, and fight me if I were to suggest anything else. Well, since we can’t fight


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