Rainshadow Organics Launches Cooking Class Series this Summer

Rainshadow Organics, a full-diet organic farm in Central Oregon, is starting cooking classes at their Farm Store and Commercial Kitchen this summer.  The first class is Saturday, June 9th - Fresh from the Farm. Participants will cook a three course meal using ingredients they harvest at the farm. They [...]

2018-07-27T21:59:06-08:00June 5, 2018|From the Kitchen|Comments Off on Rainshadow Organics Launches Cooking Class Series this Summer

Preserving Taste

As summer progresses and occasionally overwhelms us with endless yields, we're challenged to retain those flavors reminiscent of sultry happiness to savor later. Pickling is a fantastic option to preserve crisp cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, beans, beets...the list goes on. Plus you can [...]

2016-08-28T00:14:04-08:00August 28, 2016|CSA, From the Kitchen, The Farm|Comments Off on Preserving Taste
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