January CSA pick-up this week!

photo credit: Melissa Harmon Happy New Year, farm friends. Howdy ya'll!  Sarahlee here, again.....  writing the email on time.  What do you think of that? Now you don't have to wonder if this is CSA [...]

2024-01-05T14:39:45-08:00December 31, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on January CSA pick-up this week!

It’s February CSA pick up time 💛

This month is the halfway point of our CSA! Can you believe it, we are at the halfway point of our CSA. Four months in and 3 more after that. Thank you for sharing your winter with us and [...]

2023-02-16T13:05:36-08:00January 29, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on It’s February CSA pick up time 💛

A season of gratitude and planning

News from the Farm The month of November is the true end of our growing season. On the Monday before Thanksgiving we harvest our last crop of the year, our heritage turkeys. It is a sad, glorious, reverential day [...]

2022-12-01T17:17:33-08:00November 27, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on A season of gratitude and planning

Oh my, only 2 more CSAs this summer

Greetings beloved Summer CSA Members, Sarahlee here.  I'm the one that the majority of you check in with at the market.  It's a warm, late summer evening here at the farm. I gathered myself a melon [...]

2022-10-12T09:22:56-08:00October 2, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Oh my, only 2 more CSAs this summer

Eat your Meat!

We focus on the vegetables at Rainshadow Organics a lot, but did you know that we are a Full Diet farm? That means that we grow it all: grains, dairy, eggs, flowers, vegetables, and meat! In this month's newsletter [...]

2022-10-12T09:17:05-08:00September 24, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Eat your Meat!

Well, gosh darn but Fall is here 🍂🍁

Please Note, the Farm Store is transitioning to Fall Hours in October. September 25 will be the last Sunday the Farm Store is open this season. Don't worry, if you miss your Wednesday pickup, you can [...]

2022-10-13T09:39:38-08:00September 18, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Well, gosh darn but Fall is here 🍂🍁
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