Rainshadow Organics CSA  THE VALUE OF THE CSA IS MANIFOLD. Rainshadow Organics CSA

We understand buying into a CSA can be a scary investment. You find yourself saying, there is no way I really spend over $1200 (the cost of our large CSA) during a twenty-week period of time just on groceries. Here, we have taken the time to do the math for you and create an easy to understand break down.

With data provided by the USDA a “thrifty food plan” costs a family $146 per week.

They do allow for variations in income, thus a “liberal food plan” can cost a family up to $289 per week.

A small CSA box at Rainshadow Organics costs $40 per week

A large (family) CSA box costs $60 per week

(both of these include produce, assorted meats, and grains)

A 20 week large CSA investment is $1200

Twenty weeks of spending $146 at the grocery store will total at least $2920

This is a difference of $1720 !!

By joining our CSA you are making an investment in ultra fresh, nutrient dense meat, produce, and grains. You are also gaining exposure to new ingredients and cooking ideas, and developing a relationship to your food!

By buying a CSA….

What are you doing for yourself?

  • Having reliable access to nutrient dense foods in a complete diet CSA removes the stress of shopping for the family while keeping you in tune with the seasons.
  • CSA’s are a good way to stabilize your expenditures by normalizing your grocery costs as well as a fun way to connect with your family and community.
  • Knowing your farmer means knowing your farm, which means knowing your food is free of chemical byproducts and unethical practices.

What are you doing for others?

  • You are supporting a local economy, small business and real working families.
  • You are reducing your carbon footprint by not encouraging a food system that uses    petroleum based fertilizers and that ships food from across the world in refrigerated   trucks!
  • You are supporting a farm that stewards 200 acres of central Oregon land, producing in harmony with the high desert.
  • You are ensuring that the meat you eat comes from pasture raised animals treated ethically and fed the food they were designed to eat
  • You will waste less food when you get into a weekly rhythm
  • Ultimately when we spend our money we are casting a vote. Help us in our fight for a higher quality of living for life on earth, for now and generations to come.
  • The food we cultivate preserves genetic diversity.  Our varieties are chosen for taste, not ability to be shipped long distances.  And slower developing veggies concentrate nutrient content.